LITA PUSPITA DEWI. NIM: 0601065085. The Content
Validity of the English First Semester Summative test for the
tenth grade student at SMA Negeri 42 Jakarta in 2010/2011
Academic Year. Paper. Jakarta: English Teacher?s Training and
Pedagogy Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr.
Hamka, 2011. The purpose of this research is to know the Content
Validity of the English first semester summative test for tenth
grade students at SMA Negeri 42 Jakarta in 2010/2011 academic
year. The population of the research is the English first
semester summative test for the tenth grade students at SMA
Negeri 42 Jakarta in 2010/2011 academic year which was tested
on Tuesday, 10 May 2011. The result of the Descriptive Comparative Analysis proved that the English first semester summative test is not valid because the appropriateness the test and syllabus only 76 % of
100%. So it does not fulfill one the characteristics of a good test;
it is a content validity.