SARAH. NIM: 0301065029. An Error Analysis on the Students? Narrative
Writing of the Second Grade of SMA N 96 Jakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. A Paper; JAKARTA, English Language Teaching Programme, The Department of Language and Arts Education, The School of Teacher Trainning and Education, University of hammadiyah PROF. DR. HAMKA 2012. The objective of the study is to find out the empirical evidence about the types of errors and sources of errors which were made by the second grade students of SMA Negeri 96 Jakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 in their narrative writing. The population of this study was the the students of XI IPA I2
which consits of 40 students and the sample taken was 30 students.
Descriptive analytical method is used for this paper. The writer asked the students to write narrative paragraph writing. After collecting and checking the students? writing, the writer asked the students to revise their writing in order to differentiate error and mistake on different day. The students wrote a narrative paragraph based on the pictures which were given by the writer. After getting the data, the writer analyzed the errors based on the grammatical aspects.
After analyzing the data, it showed that the most typcal errors done by the
second grade students were in verb tense area with 18.91%. Errrors in meaning not clear area with 18.16%. Errors in word choice area with 17.16%.Meanwhile, for the sources of errors, intralingual transfer had the highest number with 44.78%, the second one is communication strtegies with 22.89%, the third one is interlingual transfer with 19.90%, and the last one is context of learning with