The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of flashcards as a teaching aid in enhancing students? descriptive writing skill. The research was a pre-experimental method.
The population of this research was the eighth grade students of SMPN 134, West Jakarta. The samples were picked only from one class of the eight graders. The writer took 25 students for the research samples in experiment class. In this research, the treatment was accomplished in six meetings. The instrument of data used was a written test which was given before and after the treatment. The writer used t-test for analyzing the data obtained.
From the result of computation of the data, it was found that tobserved is 2.82 and ttable is 1.71 so to > tt. It means Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. So, it can be concluded that the use of flashcards as a teaching aid in enhancing students? descriptive writing skill is effective.