Integrity, Trust, Compassion
 Deskripsi Lengkap
No. Panggil : JI08-JMMS Jan-Mar 2010 Vol.IX No.33
Judul : Dinamika Kehidupan Keagamaan Masyarakat Kota Banjar Jawa Barat
Pengarang : Achmad Rosidi
Penerbit dan Distribusi : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Departemen Agama RI p.215-231
Subjek : Islam - Sosial
Jenis Bahan : {007/00}
Lokasi : Limau
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JI08-JMMS Jan-Mar 2010 Vol.IX No.33 TERSEDIA
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Intimacy is the roots and cause of harmony , mutual respect, mutual support, cooperations, loving each other, and mutual backup. In the other hand , conflict in any kind of form is the reasons of disharmony, hating each other, lack of trust and this will result in destroying one another. religious harmony in Bnjar is successfully maintened, which was supported by the tolerance from society as a heritage from noble cultural values, which include mutual respect and appreciated of any kind of difference. The people of Banjar is a plural society, natives and immigrants alike, considering the fact that Banjar is a small town so it is easy to become intimate with one another.
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