The purpose of this research is to describe the types of morphological and syntactical errors in students English Composition at state senior High School 77 Jakarta. The method applied in this research was a descriptive method. The data were collected by asking 30 students to compose a narrative writing. Operationally, this research was done by using error analysis technique, in collecting and analyzing data.
The result of this research indicates that the students still made morphological and syntactical errors in writing compositions. They are errors of verbs, nouns, adverbs, articles, demonstratives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunction, phrases, and clauses.
According to the morphological errors, the errors of inflection got the highest frequency (19 or 59,37%), followed by verbs (13 or 40,62%). It indicates that most of the inflection errors caused by the interference of Indonesian Language (12 or 37,5%). And according to the syntactical errors, the highest frequency is the errors of verbs phrases (31 or 34,06%), followed by the errors of articles (17 or 18,68%). Most of the errors of verb phrase caused by incomplete application of rules (19 or 20,87%). The errors of articles mostly appear caused by interference of Indonesian Language.