Integrity, Trust, Compassion
 Deskripsi Lengkap
No. Panggil : S012-00557
Judul : Improving students' descriptive writing through pair work at the eighth grade of MTs. Al-Sa'dah Pondok Aren south Tangerang
Pengarang : Nur Hasanah
Penerbit dan Distribusi :
Subjek :
Jenis Bahan : {007/00}
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • File Digital: 1
  • Ulasan Anggota
  • Sampul
  • Abstrak
Nomor Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
S012-00557 S012-00557 TERSEDIA
Ulasan Anggota:
Tidak ada ulasan pada koleksi ini: 45466
The objective of this research is to find out the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of pair work technique in improving students? descriptive writing. The writer used an experimental method. The population of this research was the students of MTs AL- SA?ADAH Pondok Aren South Tangerang. The samples were taken from two classes of the eighth grade. The writer took 25 students for the samples in experiment class and 25 students in control class. In this research the treatment was done for six times and was ended with post-test by the writer. The data that the writer got from the research were using the t-test formula. From the result of computation of the data, it was found the t observed 4.11 and t table 1.68. Because to > tt , it means the Ho is rejected and the Hi is accepted. So it can be concluded that the use of pair work technique in improving students? descriptive writing is effective.
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