Integrity, Trust, Compassion
 Deskripsi Lengkap
No. Panggil : eBIS-09070439
Judul : Hunter-gatherers in history, archaeology and anthropology
Pengarang : Barnard, Alan (Alan J.) (Editor)
Penerbit dan Distribusi : Berg Publishers
Subjek : Hunting and gathering societies.
Jenis Bahan : {007/00}
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • File Digital: 1
  • Ulasan Anggota
  • Sampul
  • Abstrak
Nomor Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
eBIS-09070439 eBIS-09070439 TERSEDIA
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This book provides a definitive overview of hunter-gatherer historiography, from the earliest anthropological writings through to the present day. What can early visions of the hunter-gatherer tell us about the societies that generated them? How do diverse national traditions, such as American, Russian and Japanese, manifest themselves in hunter-gatherer research? How does current thinking on the subject reflect trends within the social sciences? Answering these questions and many more, this book provides a much-needed assessment of the history of thought on one of science's most intriguing subjects.
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