Integrity, Trust, Compassion
 Deskripsi Lengkap
No. Panggil : eBIS-09070273
Judul : Customer relationship management
Pengarang : Anderson, Kristin: Kerr, Carol.
Penerbit dan Distribusi : McGraw-Hill
Subjek : Customer relations.
Jenis Bahan : {007/00}
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • File Digital: 1
  • Ulasan Anggota
  • Sampul
  • Abstrak
Nomor Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
eBIS-09070273 eBIS-09070273 TERSEDIA
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This reader-friendly series is must read for all levels of managers All managers, whether brand-new to their positions or well established in the corporate hierarchy, can use a little brushing-up now and then. The skills-based Briefcase Books Series is filled with ideas and strategies to help managers become more capable, efficient, effective, and valuable to their corporations. As customer loyalty increasingly becomes a thing of the past, customer relationship management (CRM) has become one of today's hottest topics. Customer Relationship Management supplies easy-to-apply solutions to common CRM problems, including how to maximize impact from CRM technology, which data warehousing techniques are most effective, and how to create and manage both short- and long-term relationships.
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