Integrity, Trust, Compassion
 Deskripsi Lengkap
No. Panggil : eBIS-09070197
Judul : Being logical: a guide to good thinking
Pengarang : Mclnerny, D. Q
Penerbit dan Distribusi : Random House
Subjek : Logic: Reasoning: Thought and thinking.
Jenis Bahan : {007/00}
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • File Digital: 1
  • Ulasan Anggota
  • Sampul
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LOGIC IS ABOUT clear and effective thinking. It is a science and an art. This book is intended to introduce readers to the rudiments of the science as well as to the basic skills associated with the art. We all know people who are very bright but who do not always shine when it comes to being logical. They have the ability to think logically?that is, clearly and effectively? but that ability does not habitually manifest itself. The likelihood is that it has never been properly developed, pointing to a deficiency in their education. Indeed, logic is the very backbone of a true education, and yet it is seldom taught as such in American schools. To my mind, logic is the missing piece of the American educational system, the subject that informs every other subject from eng to history to science and math.
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