Instagram is one of the most active media and offers advantages to business users. Instagram not only provides benefits to users who have businesses but can promote other people's businesses to others with unique dimensions, namely online communities, interaction, sharing content, accessibility and credibility. This study focuses on how the digital advertising strategy of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Tangerang TV) in Tangerang city on social media Instagram (case study: in the development of SMEs Kuroffle.id).
This study uses the concept of social media marketing because this research wants to study how a strategy is applied by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Tangerang TV) in promoting MSME products, namely Kuroffle.id, this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with methods using interviews, documentation and observation. The research method uses case studies. Data obtained from observation, interviews and documentation of the Tangerang TV Head Office related to advertisements or promotions on Instagram Tangerang TV.
The results of this study give meaning to researchers that Diskominfo uses social media strategies and processes through concepts and one strategy, namely Instagram reels so that it gives the impression that Diskominfo helps increase product sales (Kuroffle.id) MSMEs and in this study the researchers also found that as a medium that explaining MSME products makes it easier for consumers to find these products through social media.