The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through picture for sixth grade students of elementary school. The writer used an experimental method. The population of this research was the students of SDN 3 Cikupa. The samples were taken from two classes of sixth grade. The writer took 20 students for the samples in each class. The data that the writer got from the research were using the t-test formula.
The finding of this research shows that there is a significant effectiveness on the students? achievement in vocabulary by using pictures in teaching and learning process. The result tobserved = 9.90 and ttable = 1.70. Because to > tt, it means that teaching vocabulary through picture is effective.
The research finding is expected to be useful for the students to help them to improve their vocabulary. In addition, it gives information to the teachers to know the models technique in order to make the teaching and learning activities better and more effective.