One of the institution able to become a mediator in establishing Jakarta society to live in peace and harmony is forum for Harmony among Religius groups or forum kerukunan umat beragama (FKUB) . This research intends to reveals: (1) The process of founding FKUB; (2) Conducting FKUB; (3) the job description of the FKUB duies (4) Supporting factors and obtacles of FKUB. This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta Province by implementing a qualitative approach. Some of the obtacles that might occur in executing FKUB job are hogh potential of conflict between heterogenic religius followers. and partial understanding of the substnce of PBM. While supporting factors are as follow: religius leader of FKUB, FKUB official, guie from Pemerintah Pusat and Pemerintah Provinsi and adequate tolerance exist due to the high social status of city residents and their educational background.