Energy crisis triggered by the raise of fuel price lately is one of the cause worsens various society lives on Indonesian.This makes this countrys citizens aware that our dependence on fuel has to be minimazed. The side effect to use of fuel to evironment also becomes a drive of an innovation and development of non-fuel altrnative energy. In this situation the innovation , the development and the distribution of non-fuel alternative energy. In this situation the innovation,the development and the distribution of non-fuel energy technology which is environmentally safe become very important ,especially for the low income people who directly feel the impact of the fuel price raise. On of the proper energy technologies thats meets this condition is biogas technology. This writing discusses the technology of biogas reactor focusing on the early design of it to converse the biomass to be the gas consumed domestically.Biogas reactor is one solution alternative of energy technology to solve the hard condition felt by the society in our country as the impact of the fuel price raise,especially rural people who breed cows, buffalos or sheep. To meet the need of daily light and cooking energy of a family wit 6 members needs 6 cows and a biogas reactor of 10.35 m³ in volume.