This paper attempts to apply the model of analyzing the ritual process which has been developed by Victor W.Turner (1969) to the fiure Eko in the novel jalan menikung [Turning Roads] (kayam,1999). In the course of his life, Eko 3/4 as Javanese forced to live in the United States of America on the recommendation of his father,Harimurti, who lost his employment because of being accused of involvement in the G-30-S/PKI [The September 30th Movement of the Communist Party] 3/4 had to pass through the rituals of transition:separation (preliminal), marginalization (liminal), and unification (postliminal).
The separation stage is indicated by his apprenticeship at a publishing company.The apprenticeship is not only evidence that Eko has undeergone changes from merely carrying out his life (studying) to his learning to survive
(working), but is also evidence that Eko has experienced uncertainty about whether he is an Indonesian or an American.
The marginalization stage is indicated by his decission to seetle in America.This decision has brought Eko into an ambiguous situation: he is not an Indonesian and not an America either.Meanwhile,the unification stage is indicated by his marriage to Claire.His marriage became the indication of Eko's conversion from Javanese Indonesian into an American Jew.