The effect of machanical stirring speed to the crystal structure and corrosion rate of copper coating on iron using electroplating method has been studied. The variation of mechanical stirring are 100 rpm, 150 rpm, 200 rpm, 250 rpm, 300 rpm and without stirring for 30 minutes, the voltage between anode and cathode is 0,6 volt and the research is done at room temperature. The analysis of X-ray diffraction result indicates that copper coating on iron using electroplating method without stirring and with stirring have face center cubic (fcc) crystal structure with lattice parameter a = 3,267 A, interplanar distance 1,273 A with crystal plane miller index (220). The copper coating on iron with stirring speed of 200 rpm has the smallest value of corrosion rate, i.e. 2,78 x 10 -3 mmpy.