The violence which is done by teacher often happened Education is a process. The couses of teachers Violence toward students are : internal and external factors faces by people in every day lives such as teachers problem in their family and at school. So, this research has been done to: 1) Have data about the correlation between the violence in education and students achievement. 2) Know what solutions are right and effective to avoid violence which teachers do in educational process at school. The research refers to violence and achievement theory because it is presumed to have negative correlations between violence in education and students achievement. In other words, the more violence in education, the lower of students achievement. This research is done in SMP (Lower Secondar School) Al Irsyad North Jakarta, by using descriptive correlation method, it has purposes to find whether there is the correlation between violence and students achievement, and to know how clause this correlation is and how much this correlation means isf it is found. The population in this research were 317 students, and 30 students as the samples that were taken by "Class Random Sampling". The techniques of collecting the data were by observation, interview, and questionnaire. The result of this research is, there are negative correlations between violence in Education and Students achievement.