The Implementation of education in Islam is an obligation for each Moslems, included the education since the child still in uterus. In connection whit it, in this written, inspected that when a mother is being pregnant, there is an education transmission which can be influential to the intelligence growing,spiritually, morality, and even to the firmness of child's natural tendency in the uterus. Islam education has been processing since child still in uterus where the parents esoteric dimensions become the educations "material curriculum". The effort and process of education which has been doing is terminological called by "Prenatal Education " or "Preconception" education. The purpose of this education is to make the children in uterus posses the potential to domineer himself to Allah (Abdullah) and potential to be a human who can manage this earth wisely (Khalifatullah). The implementation of "Abdullah" concept in educating child since he still in uterus is by always pray for him in order to become a virtuous boy. Furthermore, educating concept in Khalifatullah aspect is in education ethics, that's the ethnic in making intimate relation between married couple, and as early as possible, every parents can avoid from the bad ethnic in daily life.