In the general comprehension, the meaning of agama (religion) is different from the meaning of moral. The doctrine of agama originates from God, while the meaning of moral originates from consensus of the community. The different of meaning agama dan moral because agama is understood as God language, while moral is understood as terminology that originate from intuition that develop in tradition of society. The development this terminology of morality develop compatible with geographic condition and discourse scial space. The doctrine of agama is delivered with doctrinal approach, while moral is delivered base on the wisdom response of society. The meaning of agama and moral however, both of depen on from human consciousness and tendency of people intuition. In the view of public, agama comes from two Sanskrit word, a meaning no and gam meaning confuse. These two sanskrit define a topic of something that is not confuse. The another meaning gam meaning going. These two sanskrit describe is not going, permanent in the place, is heired from generation to generation. lexically, agama is understood as doctrine form that fasten tightly, to read many times fully attention, while moral is become terminology category relate (first) individual attitude. The example, the pattern of category against parts of community. This terminology of moral to push all of community component to legitimize as community that moralist, although in the its development, the terminology of agama and moral always originate from group of people having power. The consequence, one part of little from group of people having power that always to make an effort to search the truth of agama and virtue of moral in agreement with growth of people intuition conciousness.