PAKEM is total instructional strategy through various approach combination, models, methods, and media in the instructional practice, so that PAKEM represent implementation with various approach; active learning that mean to do dynamic learning in order to get optimal student learning result to evaluated from process so that the student own in perspective of offensive learning, hereinafter creative learning mean to do instructional capable to create things which innovative, by digging something new and is not worn out, effective learning process having the character of productive in order to student capable to yield maximal experience learning, while pleasing learning is instructional which do not drug on. By PAKEM is expected a student able to dig of maximal potency them self, so that the student to get experience the result of gratify learning. Practice PAKEM's instructional for student is DESCA, that meaning ; D (dignity), E (energy), S (Self Management), C (Community), and A (awareness). Furthermore strategy PAKEM for teachers is CLIMeG, as follow: (C=Class Management, L=Learning Resourced benefit, I=Initiative, Me=Method Various, G=Growth Opportunity). Class Management, taht is learn as controller skill activity. Teacher in controlling, is do for policing, streamlining, optimal instructional process and how teacher to operation and arrangement instructional process in classroom, to get optimal effort for result of learning student, through various means in exploiting and existing resources maximally, last but not least the teachers role in PAKEM approach is equal; active, creative and its effevtive like as student, on that account efficacy of PAKEM do not only determined by student, but also to their teachers.