Every science has it own characteristics. So, a lecturer or a college student who wants to study a science has to know which components there are in the science that he wants to study about. A man who wants to determine whether a hadits is true or not, he ought to know these three things, there are five ways to know for everyone who wants to examine the hadits. These five ways in the science world are called system. Takhrij al-hadits science is one branch of ulumul al-hadits which very important, because an observer of hadits without studying takhrij al-hadits science is a science to see the true (strong/shahih) or the weak (dho'if) of the hadits based on the deeply research from the sanad side, rawi and matan hadits, and also from whether the rijal hadits is many or not from each thobaqot. Takhrij al-hadits is relating a hadits to one or one sources of hadits such asa of hadits methods and descriptions about the rijal al-hadits condition (the rawi hadits) and the status of their hadits as true (shahih) , weak (dho'if) abd good (hasan). There are five methods of takhrij, from the riwayat of shobabah, knowing the first lafadh ogf matan hadits, knowing the popular sentences in matan hadits, knowing the topic of hadits and knowing the matan ang hadits.