If the customer expectation is greater than acceptable levels of service, the customer is not satisfied. Conversely, if an acceptable level of service greater than the expectations of customers, the customer will be satisfied. This means that if Bank Mandiri branch Ciputat Center can improve service quality to its customers it will affect the level of satisfaction. In this research found evidence that, in terms of the creation of quality services, Bank Mandiri, in cooperation with the Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI). Bank Mandiri branch Ciputat Center, is one of the branches that participate to implement the established policies and services in accordance with the existing service standards in the banking world. Amount of influence the determination of quality of service policies applied by the PT. Bank Mandiri branch Ciputat Center indicated by R2, R2 value only 26% and the rest 74% influence by other variables not studied. Meanwhile, the variable relationship of service quality to customer satisfaction can be seen from the values r1 = 0,51. This shows the value of the correlation coefficient between the variables of service quality to customer satisfaction. This means there are strong relationships between the independent variables X (quality of service) to the depend variable Y (customer satisfaction). Since r1 = 0.51 (51%) greather than 50%.