The experiment in International Living, Save the Children Federation and World Education combined resources to form the Consortium in order to offer intensive English as a Second Language training to refugees from Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia in Galang Island, Riau, Indonesia. For that purpose the consortium developed the curriculum of the lessons, a section on lesson planning and techniques.It is designed to clearly show teachers what they have to teach, present ideas for teaching and provide helpful information. The curriculum represents a unique approach to teaching student who may have had little formal education. It emphasizes students using language and an understanding of U.S culture, to communicate and get along. Although certain decisions have been concerning what to teach, i is up to teachers to decide how to teach these lessons. The techniques that the teachers used, they have to adapt them to the demands of their particular situation and to the students they are teaching. The activities and the procedures that the teachers use in class to make it easier for the students to learn. The result was, after the students learned for 5 weeks, they are able to communicate well in english and they can survive living in U.S. This paper discuses how the curriculum designed for this special education and some teaching techniques that have found useful and effective