Resting place of malaria vectors study in Kokap Sub District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Provinced had been conducted in Hargotirto, Kalirejo, Hargowilis and Hargorejo villages in 2005. The aims of the study were to find out the resting places malaria vectors including the ecological factors. Mosquitoes resting on different surfaces (indoor and outdoor) are collected by using an aspirator to study the resting habits. Morninga collection done by 6 people in outdoor, and 2 people indoor. The result showed that 102 mosquitoes was find, there were 56.86% An. maculatus, 1.96% An. balabacensis, 7.84% An. aconitus, 15.69% An. vagus, 5.88% An. flavirostris, 0.98% An. barbirostris, 10.78 An. minimus. Almost the mosquitoes (include An. maculatus) were found in the hole of the ground (40.20%), 28.43% at the bush, 19.61% in the corral, 0.98% at the bodary of salak plantation and 10.78% was trapped in the light trap. Physical factors at the study areas showed that temperature between 24C - 27C, humidity 90% - 92%, the sunlight about 2000 - 8000 Lx, and velocity between 0 - 2 m/sec. Needed more study for method to find out the testing places malaria vectors especially for An. balabacensis