The objective of this research is to find out the most typical errors which are made by the students in writing. Based on the objective of the research, the writer used a narrative method. In collecting the data, the writer administers a kind of writing test to students. The research was conducted in class of X1, X2 and X3. The writer took the correspondent only in 20 students by random from each class of MA. Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Jakarta. The material is tested based on the English Curriculum for narrative writing. Then, the writer analyzes the writing errors done by the students. The results of the research show that errors on articles are the most typical errors made by the tenth grade students of Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College with 50.34 followed by punctuation with 35.86 % and capital letter with 13.79 %. From the results of the research, the writer brings to the conclusion that the most typical errors on students? English writing skill at the tenth of MA. Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Jakarta is errors on articles. It indicates that most students need more treatment and remedial teaching from the teacher towards their errors on English writing right away and it implies that the tenth grades students of Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Jakarta still need more practice in order to develop their writing skill.