The study is intended to investigate and to determine the relationship between pronunciation accuracy and listening ability on the first grade students of SMUN 9 Tangerang of the 2006 - 2007 academic years. The result of this research will hopefully give a contribution for the teachers and the students of SMUN 9 Tangerang. This research was held on February 2007 at SMUN 9 Tangerang which is located on Jalan Raya Ciledug Tangerang. It was held on the second semester of the 2006 - 2007 academic year, on 9th ?10th February 2007. This research uses a survey method which involving the correlational quantitative analysis. The instrument of the research are the pronunciation test which is Reading Aloud, and the listening test which is filling in the blanks with the appropriate words based on the cassette which has been heard before. The subject of this research is the first grade students of SMUN 9 Tangerang. The data which are needed in this research is a quantitative data in the form of students? pronunciation score and listening score. This research contains two variables; they are as follows: the Pronunciation accuracy is the X variable. The scores of the listening scores is the Y variable. Based on the research analysis, the table of r-ratio at level of significance 0.05 and with the df = N-2 = 30-2 = 28, is 0.361. With the reference to the above computation, it is obvious that the r-observed is 0.39. It means that the r-observed is higher than the r-table (ro < rt). In other words, the r-observed is in the area of Ho acceptance. Consequently, it gives evidence that the Ho is rejected and the Hi is accepted which states that there is a positive relationship between pronunciation accuracy and listening ability on the first grade students of SMUN 9 Tangerang of the 2006 ? 2007 academic year.