The objective of the research is to know whether or not the items of the English summative test for the seventh grade students at MTs. Da'il Khairaat 2006-2007 Academic Year have good quality. It is determined by looking to the degree of difficulty level and discriminating power of each item of the test. The English Summative test consists of 30 multiple-choice items, 10 completion items, and 5 essay items. For practical purposes the writer only analyzed the multiple-choice items. The instrument of the research was the students' answer sheets from 7A class (43 answer sheets) and 7B class (43 answer sheets) of MTs. Da'il Khairaat. Based on the procedure, the writer used the 23 answer sheets (27%) for the upper group, and 23 answer sheets (27%) for the lower group. The method used in this research is a survey using a content analysis as its technique. This analysis concerned with quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis is used to look for the index of the difficulty level and the discrimination power of each item of the test. Meanwhile qualitative analysis is used to know further about the items that need to be maintained, revised, or discarded and the cause of the weakness of poor item. The result of the research is that the English Summative Test items of the seventh grade students made by KKM (Kelompok Kerja Madrasah) West Jakarta, had good quality. There were 18 items out of 30 items (60%), which could be maintained, 10 items (33%) had to be revised, and 2 items (7%) had to be discarded.