This research was aimed at finding relationship the students? English grammar mastery and their speaking ability. This research was conducted at the ninth grade of SMP NEGERI 1 TELUKNAGA on February 18 and 20 2009 at the second semester of 2008/2009 Academic Year. The method used in this research is a Survey. The population of the research was 350 students. The sample is 30 students. The data of English grammar were the scores of the grammar test. The data of speaking ability were the scores of students in doing presentation of pictures in front of the class. The two groups of data obtained were analyzed by using Person Product Moment Correlation. Correlation formula at degree of significance 0.05 is 0.161. The result of the calculation showed that rxy = 0.55. It is obtained the result of t-observed = 0.55, t-table = 0.161 (ro > rt). The Ho was rejected. Therefore, it is concluded that there is any significant relationship between the ninth grade students? English grammar mastery and English speaking ability of SMP NEGERI 1 TELUKNAGA, TANGERANG in the Academic Year 2008/2009.