The objective of the study were; (1) to find out whether the item was good or not, (2) to identify which of the test items needed to be rejected, revised and accepted, (3) to find out the possible causes why the test items should be revised and proposed the alternative of the revision of each items. This research was administered at SMA Negeri 29 Kebayoran Lama Utara Jakarta Selatan of tenth grade students on the second semester for academic years 2009/2010 on Friday, July 11th 2010. This research was kind of a descriptive qualitative method. In this study, the writer analyzed the results of English Summative Test at SMA Negeri 29 Kebayoran Lama Utara Jakarta Selatan. Through this English Summative Test, the writer counted and analyzed all items of multiple choice items of this test to know how many items of the test have a bad quality and need to be fixed or revised by the writer, which is based on the calculation of Facility Value and Discriminating Power of the test. The population of this study was 80 students of the first year students at SMA Negeri 29 Kebayoran Lama Utara Jakarta Selatan and the sample using cluster sampling technique taken are 40 students of first years of 29 Kebayoran Lama Utara Jakarta Selatan using purposive cluster sampling technique. The study findings show that the English Summative Test is not good enough in English Summative Test, because from 45 items of the question in that test, there are 29 numbers which need to be fixed or revised by the writer based on the calculation of Facility Value and Discriminating Power.