ABSTRACT RIA ANGGRAENI. Students? Grammatical Error in Narrative Writing at the Second Grade Students of SMA NEGERI 111 North Jakarta 2007/ 2008 Academic Year. Paper. Jakarta: the Study Program of English Education. The Department of Language and Arts Education. The school of Teacher Training and Education. The University of Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, October 2008. The objective of this research is to get the empirical data that have the capability to explain the kind of typical grammatical errors that the students make in their writing. This research was conducted on 07th and 10th of October at SMA Negeri 111 North Jakarta. The writer analyzed 37 students at the second grade students by making narrative writing. The technique of data analysis in this research is qualitative analysis. This analysis starts from asking permission to the headmaster, preparing the writing task material, giving the writing task to the respondents, asking the respondents to write a narrative story based on the information given, collecting the students? writings, identifying the errors and giving sign to the errors, asking the students to correct the error, collecting the students? corrected writings, collecting the data, identifying and classifying the students? errors, ranking the percentage the students? errors, explaining the students? errors, reconstructing the errors, evaluating the students? errors, making conclusion. From the research finding, the writer concludes that the most errors which the students generally made are verb tense (32.83 %), word choice (22,79 %), article (9.43 %), add a word (7.23 %), omit a word (4.92 %), spelling and capitalization (4.82 %), punctuation (3.61%), word order (3.11 %), singular-plural (2.21 %), incomplete sentence (1.71 %), word form (1.10 %), run-on-sentence (0.90 %), meaning not clear (0.60 %.). From the statistical calculation above, it can be concluded that the students need more treatment and remedial teaching from the teacher by giving more exercises in order to develop their writing skill.